Private Cardiology Practice

MD specialist in cardiology and internal medicine
Marta E. Starczewska
Al. Niepodległości 227/233 m. 62, 02-087 Warsaw,
tel. 602 512 874
Po polsku Po polsku


Education history


Work Experience

Since 1993 I have been employed by the Chair and the Department of Cardiology of Medical University of Warsaw (Public Central Clinical Hospital, situated in Warsaw, Banacha 1a street). I work fullness and on shifts in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

I am the author and creator of the School of Healthy Heart in the Department of Cardiology, which has been engaged for the promotion of standards of primary and secondary prevention of cardio-vascular diseases.

I am a co-author and a co-organizer of a program called: Standards of Primary Cardiology Care - SPOK (Standardy Podstawowej Opieki Kardiologicznej) conducted under the National Program for Prevention and Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases: POLKARD 2003-2005.

While working in the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit, I cooperate with other cardiac centers in an integrated program of treatment of acute coronary syndromes.

I take an active part in clinical trials and large randomized, international drug trials: INJECT, COBALT, GUSTO IV, GUSTO V, CIBIS II, ASSENT 3, ASSENT 4, HERO-2, AtoZ, ALIVE, A-STAR, FACTORIAL, MK0524B-024.

I run both the training of young doctors in their daily work and improvement during the lectures since 2005, leading the whole of courses in electrocardiography in Poland

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Membership in Medical Organizations and Scientific Societies